by Gunilla Craven | Seller Tips, Website of the Month
Did you ever wonder why the final paint color on your wall didn’t match the paint chip you chose? It’s because paint chips are printed, not painted, and why everyone from designers to paint stores recommend testing with real paint. But then you have to buy a quart (or...
by Gunilla Craven | Seller Tips
This house just came on the market last week. It’s a lovely property with an in-ground pool, but I couldn’t get over the picture of the landscaping in the front yard. Bet the neighbors aren’t too happy either. (Remind me to share the story of our neighbor in Chicago...
by Gunilla Craven | Big Return, Seller Tips, Vendor of the Month
Prime Stone Restoration does an amazing job of removing stains and scratches, repairing cracks and chips, polishing and sealing granite and marble counters. (They have 63 reviews on Home Advisor with an average rating of 4.94 out of 5.) They also do walls and floors....
by Gunilla Craven | Seller Tips, Website of the Month
After Larry broke our flat screen TV (don’t ask) and doing a lot of research comparing prices at Costco, Best Buy, and Amazon, we ordered our 60” Samsung model from ABT Electronics, one of the largest retailers of consumer electronics and major appliances in the...
by Gunilla Craven | Seller Tips, Vendor of the Month
It’s time to repair your sliding glass door when: 1. It takes two hands and a hip bump to open 2. Grunting is included 3. The door handle breaks off. The good news is that repairing a door is not very expensive. The bad news is that very few companies are good at it....
by Gunilla Craven | Seller Tips
There is no question that artwork can make a home look great. But it can also look wrong, and I mean seriously wrong. There are so many opportunities today to obtain art and photographs: online stores, Home Goods, consignment shops that the options are limitless....